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Recommended Books and Videos


International Article on Mediumship (Quotes Dr. Liz)

Sheena McGinley,, March 5, 2023.

'Like Prince Harry, I asked a medium about my mum, but be careful what you wish for'

Evidence of Life After Death (Continuity of Consciousness)

Dr. Vernon Neppe

We definitely live after death: The Proof. A Bigelow prize-winning scientist demonstrates the profound evidence for survival after bodily death, Seattle. 2022.

David Fontana

Is There an Afterlife? A wide range of topics including physical mediumship, scientific research, NDEs, OBEs, History, Different Types of Mediums, Instrumental Transcommunication, etc. Refutes skeptical arguments on a professional and scientific level.

Piero Calvi-Parisettie MD

Step Into the Light. Written straight-forwardly and for everyday people, this book discusses modern scientific evidence that clearly supports the "survival theory", i.e., that life continues after death. This is done in an easy to comprehend style of writing.

Victor and Wendy Zammit

A Lawyer Presents The Evidence for the Afterlife. A lawyer discusses all aspects related to life after death, including what happens after we die, different mediumship phenomenon including: materialization, trumpets, electronic Eoice Phenomena, Ouija Board, famous mediums, past lives, etc. In addition, "proof" is provided using legal standards, i.e., "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Alexander Moreira-Almedia, Marianna de Abreu Costa and Humberto Schubert Coelho

The Science of Life After Death.  (Note: Very dry reading but is listed to show some research in other countries that are very open to the concept of an afterlife. 

Books Related to Psi Phenomenon

Dr. Dean Radin: 


Real Magic

Entangled Minds

The Conscious Universe

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

The Sense of Being Stared At

Science and Spiritual Practices


Helane Wahbeh, N.D. 

The Science of Channeling

Dr. Jon Klimo

Channeling; Investigations on Receiving Information From Paranonormal Sources

Arthur Hastings

With the Tongues of Men and Angels

Near Death Experiences

Gregory Shushan

The Next World, Extraordinary Experiences of the Afterlife 

Sam Parnia, M.D.

Erasing Death

Remote Viewing/Project Stargate

Joseph McMoneagle 

Mind Trek 

Memoirs of a Psychic Spy

Ingo Swann


Discussions, Explanations, Descriptions of Mediumship

Windbridge Research Center, University Arizona

Harry Boddington 

The University of Spiritualism: In depth discussion on Spiritualism and the many aspects of mediumship. Originally intended for use as part of a two year course at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Studies. To be read slowly as it is very involved. But...excellent information.


Allan Kardec

The Mediums' Book

The Gospel Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine

Frederic W.H. Myers

Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death

Published by ACIM Foundation for Inner Peace

A Course in Miracles

Harry Edwards

A Guide for the Development of Mediumship

After Death Communications (ADCs)

Bill & Judy Guggenheim (A classic read)

Hello From Heaven!

Dr. Jane Bissler and Lisa Heiser

Loving Connections; The Healing Power of After-Death Communications

Drs. Allan L. Botkin and Craig Hogan

Induced After Death Communication; A New Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma

Louis E. LaGrand, PhD.

After Death Communications. Final Farewells. Extraordinary Experiences of Those Mourning the

Death of Loved Ones

Julie Beischel, PhD.

Love and the Afterlife, How to Stay Connected to Your Human and Animal Loved Ones.

Channeled Books About Life After Death

Anthony Borgia:

The World Unseen.

Helen Greaves:

Testimony of Light.

Francisco Candido Xavier:

Nosso Lar, Life in the Spirit World

Between Heaven and Earth

In the Greater World

In the Domain of Mediumship

The Messengers

And Life Goes On

Physical and Trance Mediumship

Robin P. Foy

In Pursuit of Mediumship 

Chris Ratter

An Explanation of Trance Mediumship 

History of Spiritualism

Ann Braude

Radical Spirits. Spiritualism and Women's Rights in Nineteenth-Century America.

John. B. Buescher

The Other Side of Salvation

Sharon DeBartolo Carmack

In Search of Maria B. Hayden

Todd Jay Leonard, Ph.D.

Talking to the Other Side: A History of Modern Spiritualism and Mediumship


Dean Radin, PhD

Real Magic

Personal and Inspirational Stories

Bill Vandenbush

If Morning Never Comes. A soldier's near-death experience on the battlefield.

Editor Jonathan Beecher

In Times of War. Messages of Wisdom from Soldiers in the Afterlife.

Robert W. Raine

The Awakening. Our Journey. 


Dr. Neal Rzepkowski, M.D.: My Incredible Experiences with Physical Mediumship.

Describes Lakota Yuwipi ceremony, in addition to experiences in Europe and the U.S.

Astral City A Spiritual Journey: Based on Chico Xavier channeled book, it is a story of one man's spiritual experiences after transitioning to the after life. Check Amazon videos.

Surviving Death: Based on journalist Leslie Kean's investigations about After Death Communications (ADCs). See the Netflix channel.

Calling Earth: Daniel Drasin's video about after death communications using Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), i.e., the use of electronics to make spirit connections. or

We Don't Die Films: Sonia Rinaldi. Instrumental Transcommunication to the Other Side.

The Mystery of Magic: Stephen Hoeller. What is Magic, high and low magic, black and white, etc.

YouTube: Search for videos by 

  • Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

  • Dean Radin

  • Dr. Vernon Nappe

  • The "New Thinking Allowed" channel

  • Dr. Jane Bissler

  • Windbridge Center

  • Dr. Jim Tucker on Past Lives

  • ITC and Sonia Rinaldi

  • Shannon Taggart

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